We’ve all found ourselves in situations where we’re unsure how to start a conversation. I can certainly relate to this experience, and I’m sure many of you can as well.
The good news is that with a few ideas in mind, you can easily kick-start up a conversation, and more often than not, it will flow smoothly from there and be less awkward.
Table of Contents
6 Tips for Making Small Talk:
1. Make a positive first impression
There’s a few things that can make a first impression go well…
- a warm smile
- positive body language
- good eye contact
- confidence, friendliness and humility
- a positive attitude
- keeping an open stance, such as avoid crossing your arms
2. Don’t overthink silence
Silent moments are NORMAL! Trust me, don’t stress over it. Take a moment to reflect and change the topic.
3. Be relaxed and stop overthinking
Stop overthinking and analyzing every situation! Your inner voice, at times, can act as a conversation killer, stopping you from active listening and being able to speak naturally. It’s important to be relaxed, and be fully attentive in order to respond genuinely.
4. Ask open-ended questions
Avoid asking questions that only require one-word answers. Ask questions that will encourage the other person to share more.
5. Don’t be so generic
Avoid being generic. Instead of asking mundane questions like, “How’s the weather?”, explore more interesting topics such as current events, travel experiences, hobbies, interests, children, books, movies, television shows, sports, music, restaurants, personal stories or goals, community events, or new technology gadgets. The possibilities are endless, but this should give you a solid foundation to get started.
6. Be your genuine self
When you are your true self you can make better connections with people. So share your true thoughts, and feelings. Trust yourself and be vulnerable.

Conversation Starters: 12 situations with examples:
1. Conversation starters in line at a coffee shop
- While waiting in line at a coffee shop, you could comment on the aroma of freshly brewed coffee or the cozy ambiance.
- What do you like to get to drink here?
- Have you tried a lot of their drinks here?
- What’s one of your favourites here?
2. Conversation starters at work
- How are you doing? How’s the family?
- What did you do over the weekend?
- What did you end up doing for supper last night?
- Any good recommendations for lunch near here?
- What did you think of the presentation earlier?
- Do you have upcoming plans for the holidays?
- Do you have any hobbies?
- I’m going to grab a coffee, would you like me to grab one for you too?
3. Conversation starters at a party
- First of all, if you don’t know anyone, and you’re going to go up to a group of people, I would say, “Hey, I’m ____, do you mind if I join?”
- How do you know the host?
- Have you been to one of their parties before?
- Have you been to this venue before?
- Have you tried the food here yet? What did you think?
- What do you do for a living?
- Have you traveled recently?
- Do you have any memorable vacations you’d recommend?
- Do you have any upcoming trips or plans?
- Are you a sports fan? Did you catch the game the other night? What team do you support?
- Do you have any hobbies?
- Do you like to bake or cook? Talk about your favourite place to get good recipes.
- Are you involved in the community?
- Do you play any sports?
- Do you have kids?
- Do you live in town?
- Did you grow up around here?

4. Conversation starters in a professional setting
- Did you have a good weekend? Did you get up to much?
- Has your day been productive so far?
- Are you ready for today’s meeting?
- Have you seen what’s on the agenda today?
- How’s your recent project going?
- Do you think we’ll have enough time to get this project up and going?
- I saw your recent achievement on the board or email, congrats.
- What kind of changes do you think the boss is going to roll out soon?
5. Conversation starters for married couples
- What attracted you to me when we first met?
- What’s your best memory from our wedding day?
- What is your favourite tradition or routine that we have?
- What is something you’ve wanted to do together that we haven’t gotten around to doing yet?
- If you could plan a dream vacation for us, where would we go?
- How do you picture our life in the next 10 years?
- What is the most surprising thing you’ve learned about being married?
- Are there any new hobbies or activities you want to try as a couple?
6. Conversation starters at college
- What’s your major?
- What year are you in?
- Are you in any extracurricular activities or groups?
- Where’s your favourite spot to hang out on campus?
- Where is a good spot to study on campus?
- Do you have any study tips?
- What’s your favourite class so far?
- What’s your least favourite class so far?
- Do you have any good teachers or professors so far?
- Do you live in campus housing? How do you like it?
- Do you have a job on campus?
- Do you have your eye on any jobs after college? Where are you looking to go?
- What is the social life around here like?
- How do you manage your time where there’s so much to get done between studying, work, cooking?

7. Conversation starters when trying to make a new friend
- I’m new here, do you have any recommendations for things to do or places to eat?
- I couldn’t help but notice what you were wearing. I love that style. Where did you get it
- What brings you here? Are you attending the _____ event?
- Do you have any pets?
- Do you have any hobbies?
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- Did you grow up around here?
- Did you want to grab a coffee sometime?
- What brought you here today?
- Are you watching any good series right now?
8. Conversation starters when you’re on a date
- So, tell me about yourself, do you have any go-to hobbies or activities when you’re not working?
- Do you like to cook? Do you have any favourite recipes or dishes?
- Did you grow up around here? Maybe we know some of the same people?
- What’s your idea of a perfect weekend?
- Are you very adventurous? What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
- Do you like to travel?
- If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
- Do you like to try different foods? What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever eaten?
- Tell me something you’ve always wanted to try.
- Tell me something you’ve always wanted to learn.
- What are you focused on these days? work? building a career? enjoying life?
- What kind of music do you like?
- Have you been to any concerts?
- If you met online, you could ask, so, what made you decide to try online dating? And have you had any interesting experiences so far?
- Have you seen any good movies or TV shows recently? I’m always looking for recommendations.
- Do you have any good childhood memories that stand out?
- Are there any sports or physical activities you enjoy or participate in?
9. Conversation starters with kids
- What’s your favourite subject in school this year? Why do you enjoy it?
- Do you like your teachers this year?
- Are you playing any sports this summer?
- What’s your favourite game or activity?
- Have you been reading any good books at school?
- What do you like to do for fun?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Did you enjoy your family vacation this year?
- Have you made any new friends at school?
10. Conversation starters at a family gathering
- What’s new with everyone? Any exciting updates or milestones lately?
- Does anyone have any travel plans or vacations coming up?
- Who has been binge-watching any good shows or movies lately? Any recommendations?
- Any new hobbies lately?
- How has work been going?
- Have you tried any new recipes?
- Have you read good books lately?
- Does anyone have a favourite tradition when we come to these family gatherings?
- How are your kids doing?
- Are your kids in any new sports or have any new interests this year?
11. Conversation starters on a plane
- Smile and say hello to the person you’ll be sitting beside.
- Do you travel a lot?
- Where are you coming from? Or where are you headed?
- Have you traveled to this destination before?
- What do you normally do to pass the time?
- What is the most memorable trip you’ve taken?
- If they seem receptive to conversation, share a travel story you have.
12. Conversation starters at a funeral
- I’m so sorry for your loss. How are you holding up?
- I know this is a hard time for you, but is there anything I can do to help you?
- What are some of your favourite memories of (the deceased)?
- (the deceased) was such a good person. There were so many qualities that made him/her special.
- How did you know (the deceased)?
- Share a good memory of you and the person who has passed. Sharing a happy moment you had with the deceased can bring a smile to others, even at a funeral.
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